

Din sökning på "*" gav 126696 sökträffar

The Future of Biobanking

Published 24 September 2019 The importance of biobanks as a nexus for the development of future diagnostics and treatments in healthcare is becoming increasingly obvious. Increasingly biobanks are emerging as the backbone of medical research, yet the full potential of biobanks has yet to be reached. This conference is organized around the theme of the future of biobanks. The talks will seek to go

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/future-biobanking - 2025-03-10

Impact of missing data on bias and precision when estimating change in patient-reported outcomes from a clinical registry

Published 24 September 2019 Clinical registries, which capture information about the health and healthcare use of patients with a health condition or treatment, often contain patient-reported outcomes (PROs) that provide insights about the patient’s perspectives on their health. Missing data can affect the value of PRO data for healthcare decision-making. We compared the precision and bias of seve

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/impact-missing-data-bias-and-precision-when-estimating-change-patient-reported-outcomes-clinical - 2025-03-10

Registry-Based Medical Research: Data Dredging or Value Building to Quality of Care?

Published 25 September 2019 Registry-based medical research is an important tool in assessing health care interventions in the general population. Observational studies are used to establish effectiveness whereas randomized clinical trials assess efficacy in an experimental manner targeting a carefully selected population of patients. Medical registries may be office or hospital based, state/provi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/registry-based-medical-research-data-dredging-or-value-building-quality-care - 2025-03-10

Twin Registries Moving Forward and Meeting the Future: A Review

Published 22 November 2019 Twin registries have developed as a valuable resource for the study of many aspects of disease and society over the years in many different countries. A number of these registries include large numbers of twins with data collected at varying information levels for twin cohorts over the past several decades. New publication in Cambridge Core

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/twin-registries-moving-forward-and-meeting-future-review - 2025-03-10

Ny utlysning från Vetenskapsrådet

Published 2 December 2019 Detta bidrag syftar till att stödja internationella samarbeten inom det europeiska programmet CHIST-ERA, som stödjer forskning inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT). Sverige är via Vetenskapsrådet ett av de 24 länder som deltar i CHIST-ERA-utlysningen där forskning av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet i internationell konkurrens premieras. Vetenskapsrådet delta

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ny-utlysning-fran-vetenskapsradet - 2025-03-10

Nya utlysningar från Vetenskapsrådet

Published 15 January 2020 Följande utlysningar från Vetenskapsrådet är nu öppna. Bidrag för aktiviteter inom MINT-ämnen vid nationella forskningsinfrastrukturer (Söks av organisation)Tage Erlanders gästprofessur (Söks av organisation)Bidrag till forskningsmiljö inom klinisk behandlingsforskningKonsolideringsbidrag (Skissansökan)Internationell postdokKerstin Hesselgrens gästprofessur (Söks av organ

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/nya-utlysningar-fran-vetenskapsradet-0 - 2025-03-10

Nya utlysningar från VR

Published 5 February 2020 Följande utlysningar från Vetenskapsrådet är nu öppna Projektbidrag inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap  Projektbidrag inom medicin och hälsaProjektbidrag för digitalisering och tillgängliggörande av kulturarvssamlingarProjektbidrag för utveckling av metoder för ersättning, begränsning och förfining av djurförsök (3R)Tidskriftsbidrag inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/nya-utlysningar-fran-vr - 2025-03-10

Nya utlysningar från VR

Published 26 February 2020 Följande utlysningar från Vetenskapsrådet är nu öppna Exploratory workshops inom utbildningsvetenskapProjektbidrag inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskapProjektbidrag inom utbildningsvetenskapNätverksbidrag inom utbildningsvetenskapProjektbidrag inom utvecklingsforskningNätverksbidrag Swedish Research LinksInternationell postdok inom utvecklingsforskningEtableringsbidra

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/nya-utlysningar-fran-vr-0 - 2025-03-10

The Chinese National Twin Registry: a ‘gold mine’ for scientific research

Published 19 November 2019 The Chinese National Twin Registry (CNTR) currently includes data from 61 566 twin pair from 11 provinces or cities in China. Of these, 31 705, 15 060 and 13 531 pairs are monozygotic, same‐sex dizygotic and opposite‐sex dizygotic pairs, respectively, determined by opposite sex or intrapair similarity. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/chinese-national-twin-registry-gold-mine-scientific-research - 2025-03-10

Glossary of health equity in the context of environmental public health practice

Published 23 November 2019 This Glossary, rooted primarily in the Canadian context but drawing on lessons from elsewhere, describes environmental public health regulatory practice in relation to health equity, including approaches that practitioners can use to contribute to addressing the social determinants of health. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/glossary-health-equity-context-environmental-public-health-practice - 2025-03-10